Hello and welcome to the Citrus Fruit Photography blog!
I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to post here, but it was suggested to me by a fellow photographer, so I thought I might give it a shot. I really don't enjoy posting to Instagram or Facebook, but I know I want to share what my business is doing, so I thought I might try blogging.
I plan on posting about all things photography. These include things like tips and tricks, photography 101, and personal notes and stories. I was taught that a good photograph tells a story, so I thought I might as well share some of those stories on here. I might talk about the story behind the photos I post on the website here, or what I'm up to that day.
If it's not completely obvious, I'm really not sure what I'm doing. However, I believe that the best way to learn is to try. So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to send out posts on this little blog regularly. How frequently, I don't yet know. I'll figure that out. Life is about exploring, so that's what I plan to do.
Since one of my post ideas is to talk about the photos I post on my website, I suppose I could start out here. The photo I've posted below probably looks familiar. This is the photo that decorates the beginning of the homepage of my website. I thought it fitting for it to be the first one I share on my new blog.

Citrus Fruit Cover Photo by Will Newhall
The idea behind this photo was really quite a technical one. I needed a citrus-y photo for my new business. What better photo then a literal picture of a bowl of citrus fruits? The challenge for this photo was two-fold. The first difficulty was design. How should I lay out the fruits? How should the colors look? The texture? Should I try some sort of symmetry? The second problem was lighting. I wanted to get good lighting but I was just starting out, and didn't have the best flash. Those who know me also know that I don't like using flashes. They bother me.
I solved the first problem simply by trying a lot of different ideas and ultimately settling on one. As you can probably guess, I settled on the photo placed below. I did have to go through a lot of the fruits though. It turned out a lot of the fruits had various blemishes on them. Nature isn't perfect. Go figure.
The second problem was solved after some time spent finagling with light. I ultimately ended up using my ceiling lights and some serious gymnastics. If I remember correctly I almost fell from a very unstable chair. I love photography, but the amount of strange stretches I end up doing to get the perfect shot can be astounding.
I hope you liked this first post! Got any ideas? Leave a comment!
Will Newhall
Citrus Fruit Photography Owner